We would like to thank the following researchers: (2020-09-10) RS K - Stored self XSS (2020-09-02) RS K - Host header injection (2020-09-01) RS K - Session doesn't expire after logout (2020-08-29) Deleite - Clickjacking vulnerability (2020-08-28) Deleite - Google bucket enumeration (2020-08-27) Deleite - Subdomain takeover (2020-08-17) Venkat Malla - Flaws in password policy (2020-08-14) RS K - Mail spoofing (2020-07-29) Yogeshwaran Chandrasekaran - SPF, MX, DMARC records not set correctly (2020-07-24) Nitin Gavhane - Missing text field limit (2020-07-19) Freaking Rollings - Spf record not found (2020-07-19) Yassine Nafiai - Bypass rate limit (2020-07-15) Nitin Gavhane - Clickjacking vulnerability (2020-07-13) Yogeshwaran Chandrasekaran - Stored self XSS due to Server Side Template Injection (2020-07-10) Yassine Nafiai - User email enumeration (2020-07-09) Venkat Malla - Session token lean in URL (2020-07-08) Venkat Malla - Lack of Security Headers (2020-07-07) Roy Niss - Bug in authentication session managment (2020-07-07) Roy Niss - No email confirmation after signup (2020-07-07) Roy Niss - User email enumeration (2020-07-06) Yassine Nafiai - No rate limit in login form (2020-07-06) Venkat Malla - Session doesn't expire after logout (2020-07-06) Venkat Malla - Old session doesn't expire after password change (2020-07-06) Roy Niss - Improved password policy (2020-07-06) Yogeshwaran Chandrasekaran - Blind SSRF (2020-02-07) Rodrigo Peña - Bug in referral program (2019-09-03) Hussein Daher - Bug in email tracking configuration (2019-06-02) Hussein Daher - Bug in DNS configuration (2019-06-02) Samuel - Bug in CSRF token implementation (2019-05-31) Samuel - Bad CORS implementation (2022-03-02) Esteban Fuentealba - Cross Site Scripting (2022-08-10) Marcelo Clavel - Cache Poisoning